Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Coupon Book

Is there anything better than coupon books from your kids? I think not. Today I received one from Megan for Mother's Day ...

This Coupon is Good For:

Making Her Pritty
It was just a few days ago that she told me I looked "awful". I can take a hint, or two.

I think she means washing them, but getting me new ones would be fine too.

I wonder if this is anything like a knuckle sandwich.

Oh yeah.

Washing the Close
Washing anything would be wonderful. Close or clothes. I'm not picky.

Woking the Dogs
I think I know what she meant ... but I'm locking up the pans & skillets just in case.


  1. I'm making copies of my coupon book. I might reuse them. Love yours!

  2. Making copies?! Why didn't I think of that?

  3. I got one of those too. She told me they were re-usable coupons. The "one hour without whining" coupon is golden!!
