Thursday, May 13, 2010

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

To say Amanda is inquisitive would be an understatement. Sometimes I can't even get the answer out before she's asking something else. Here is a small sampling of the burning questions plaguing her ...

Mom, do you have any brown earrings I can borrow? Ew. Those look too old-lady.

Mom, did you think Peter Brady was cute when you were a kid?

Could you check my ears for wax?

Mom, you know that "Uncle Roger" really isn't my Uncle, right?

Don't you think I sound exactly like Miley Cyrus when I sing?

Do you think Dad will like my gift? The gift was a calculator tape of all the birthday spankings he's missed out on over the years (Age 1 - 50). Total Spankings Due = 1275.

Did your food really taste like metal when you had braces?

She and Megan decided to sleep in each other's beds tonight ... Mom, you don't think Megan will fart in my bed, do you?

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