Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life Without Kids: Observation #4

So here we are, day 4 without the kiddos. They called me today to get my recipe for cream cheese frosting to go with the gumdrop cookies they were making with Grandma. Yeah, they're having a rotten time.

Observation #4: This observation is one that I probably shouldn't document, but since I suspect that I'm not the only mom out there who struggles with this, I'm gonna' put it out there. Consider yourself warned.

Okay ... without the kids here, not only have I found that I have the desire, but more importantly, I also have the energy to, uh, well, you know. Can you even imagine? Having desire AND energy AT THE SAME TIME?!?!? (My husband will probably ban any further posts after this one.)

I think Madeline Kahn said it best in "Young Frankenstein" when she sang ... "Ah! Sweet mystery of life at last I found you ..."


  1. I know nothing of these words you write about, particularly the one that starts with e. What is that???

  2. lol love it!!!! ENJOY your time "alone".

  3. Okay. You actually made me CRACK up out loud and a simple "LOL" just wouldn't do! I remember the scene well and that picture is PERFECT! And, just so ya know, being away from the kids still has that affect when they're in their teens. And it's pretty much just as rare to find that time! (Thought I'd try and cheer you down.)

    Now, remind me why Henry wants to have this wrap party NOW? Ask him if he's INSANE!
