Friday, April 2, 2010

The Middle Finger

Yesterday, Megan informed me that she knew what "the middle finger" meant. Excuse me?? Are we really about to have this conversation? And aren't you only 6 years old?!? I took a deep breath, "Alright, what does it mean, Megan?" I fully expected to hear some kind of nonsense word, but instead heard THE WORD: "&%#@" "Megan!" I gasped, "Where in the world did you hear that word?!?!?" She let me know that Amanda had shared the word with her after hearing it from a friend at school. Nice.

Next stop, Amanda. I asked her, in front of Megan, if she in fact told her sister what the middle finger meant. Before she could reply, Megan chimed in, "The 'F' word!! And not the word 'Fat' either." It's true, Fat is the 'F word' in our house. Amanda confirmed the word by spelling it (ugh!) She defended herself by saying that, "She told Megan not to tell anyone." Like that ever works. It's the job of a younger sister to tell everyone everything!! I asked her where she had heard the word in the first place. She told me the name of the guilty schoolmate. Just the kind of thing I want to discuss with a parent at school. Not.

Thankfully, when I asked Amanda if she knew what the word actually meant, she did NOT. HUGE sigh of relief here. I'm trusting that I conveyed to my girls just how vile that word is, and how severe their punishment will be if any parent comes to ME to say that their child heard such a word from one of MY daughters.

My girls are never leaving the house again.


  1. Yikes! I'm so glad you are blogging, you crack me up! Heading to add you to my list now. Thanks.

  2. Jacki ~ I KNOW! :/

    Mich ~ Thanks!! It's always nice when someone else "gets" me. :)
