Monday, May 14, 2012

Worst Mother's Day Ever?

It started out just like any other Sunday. I was up and dressed for church by 6:30 AM (because choir members get to arrive by 7:30 AM), and began prodding my girls out of bed.  It was then that Amanda began crying.  A small sore that had been kind of bothering her for a week was now 2 inches in diameter and completely inflamed with infection. 

So instead of spending the morning at church, we opted for Urgent Care.

About 90 minutes later, we were in the examination room, being told that her wound would have to be lanced and drained.  She freaked.  I freaked (only on the inside though - totally kept my cool on the outside, because that's what moms do, right?! Ugh.)

Meg was with us and informed me that she had to go to the bathroom all of a sudden. Probably best.

So while Amanda was being cut open withOUT any kind of numbing agent, yours truly got to hold her down for the torture session.  Then once the knife was put down, the already extremely tender wound was squeezed mercilessly like a tube of toothpaste. All Amanda could do was scream at the top of her lungs while I kept hearing myself say, "It's alright. It's going to be alright. We prayed. Jesus is here with us. It's going to be alright." But inside my head I'm screaming with her, STOP ALREADY!!! ENOUGH!! YOU'RE HURTING MY DAUGHTER!!!!

About half way through she looked up at me and cried, "I bet this is your worst Mother's Day ever!!"  Oh my goodness.  In the midst of all her suffering, she was feeling bad for ruining my Mother's Day.  And while she was right that this one would most likely go down in history as the worst Mother's Day ever, it wasn't for the reason she thought.  It was because no mother can stand seeing her child in pain. Mother's Day is supposed to be the one day out of the year when everyone is on their best behavior and everything goes right so she can enjoy being a mom for once. At least that's how it plays out in my mind.

Well, to make a long and gruesome story a little shorter,  the doctor finished about 7-8 minutes later, announcing that the infection was caught just before going into her blood stream (thank you, Lord!!) and that antibiotics should help with the rest.

It was right about then that Megan came back.  I hadn't realized she was gone that whole time, but since the entire city block could probably hear Amanda's screams, I wasn't surprised that she had successfully stayed away for the duration of the procedure.

Later that evening ...

Megan:  Mom, do you know where I was while Amanda was screaming?

Me:  In the bathroom?

Megan:  Yeah. Sitting on the floor.

Me:  You were in there a long time.

Megan:  Yeah. And do you know what I was doing while I was in there?

Me:  Covering your ears?

Megan:  That, and praying for Amanda.

And that was when the Worst Mother's Day, officially turned into the Best Mother's Day.


  1. Wow. That just made me tear up a little bit. Hope Amanda's feeling a bit better, too.

  2. Beyond sweet! Teared up here, too.
